Training Auditor Hukum Untuk Perusahaan
Training Share Sales And Purchase Agreement And Other Showing The Legal Transfer Of Ownership Of The Shares
Pelatihan Diselenggarakan Selama 2 (dua) Hari dengan materi sebagai berikut :
1. Corporate Status
+ Deed of Establishment – Articles of Association
+ Letter of Incorporation as legal entity
+ State Gazette Publication
+ Amendments to the Articles of Association
+ Minutes of Meeting
2. Capital Stock
1. Authorized Capital
2. Duly Authorized
3. Validly Issued
4. Fully Paid and Non-assessable
5. Reservation of Shares
6. Outstanding Equity Securities
3. Licenses
1. Domiciles licenses
2. Tax Registration Number
3. Department of Industry
4. Department of Trade
5. Department of Man Power
6. Department of Law and Human Rights
7. Environment license
8. HO
9. Other licenses
4. Management and Shareholding
1. Number and name of BoD and BoK members
2. Minutes of Meeting on the appointment and dismissal as member of BoD and BoK
3. Shareholders Registration List and Special Registration List
4. Share Sales and Purchase Agreement and other showing the legal transfer of Ownership of the shares
5. Corporate Power and Corporate Action
6. Corporate Power to Conduct Business and Enter into Agreement
7. Due Authorization, Execution and Delivery
5. Assets Evidences of:
1. Immovable properties;
2. Movable properties;
3. Intellectual Property Rights
6. Insurance
1. Fire Insurance
2. General Loss Insurance
3. Life Insurance
4. D&O Liability Insurance
7. Liabilities
1. Credit Agreements
2. Bank Loan Agreements
3. Financial Lease Agreements
4. BOT
5. Shareholders Loan
8. Tax Compliance
1. Monthly and Annually Tax Report
2. Special Tax Report
9. Man Power Compliance
1. Company Regulation
2. Report on Manpower
3. Manpower insurance and pension fund
4. Tripartite compliance report (if any)
10. Agreements
1. Cooperation Agreement
2. Management Agreement
3. Joint Operation Agreement
4. Profit Sharing Agreement
5. Venture Capital
6. License Agreement
7. Agency/ Distributorship Agreement
8. Supply Agreement
9. Manufacturing Agreement
10. Lease Agreement
11. Sale and Purchase Agreement
12. Other material transaction/ agreements
11. No Violation
1. Articles and Bylaws
2. Material Agreements
3. Court Orders
4. Applicable Law
5. All Filings and Consents Obtained in Connection with the Transaction
6. Special Note on Absence of Litigation
Presentasi Training dilakukan dengan diskusi aktif dua arah, minim akan hal theoritis tetapi sebaliknya penuh akan hal-hal yang praktis. Penggalian terhadap permasalahan-permasalahan yang dialami tiap peserta dalam pekerjaan dan kesehariannya serta pencarian solusi atasnya.
Trainer telah berpengalaman di bidang Hukum selama lebih dari 19 ( Sembilan Belas ) tahun. Beliau merupakan lulusan dari Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia. Spesialisasi beliau dalam Masalah Hukum Perusahaan seperti Penyusunan Kontrak dan Perjanjian , menganalisa aspek hukum dalam bisnis , penerapan aturan dan regulasi dalam bisnis , dan sebagai penasehat hukum .
Pengalaman beliau sebelumnya yaitu pernah bekerja di beberapa kantor pengacara dan perusahaan diantaranya : Lawyer at Bastaman & Partners, Jakarta 1995-1999, Founder of Almir Tamam & Partners Law Firm 1999-2000, Founder of ARS & ARS Law Firm 2000-2003, Founder of TAMAM & PARTNERS Law Firm 2003 – Now (Managing Partner at TAMAM & PARTNERS Law Firm & Advocate (Lawyer), member of PERADI, No. 99.10633). Company: Legal Consultant at Dana Pensiun Krakatau Steel 1999 -2007, Legal Consultant at PT. Krakatau Tirta Industri 2006 – 2014, Legal Consultant at PT. Jakson Niagatama 2007 – 2014, Legal Consultant at PD. Pelabuhan Cilegon Mandiri 2005 -2010, Legal Consultant at PT. Coca-cola Distributor Indonesia 2006-2008,dll.
Jadwal Pelatihan trainingterbaru Tahun 2023 :
- Batch 1 : 23 – 25 Januari 2024
- Batch 2 : 6 – 8 Februari 2024
- Batch 3 : 5 – 7 Maret 2024
- Batch 4 : 23 – 25 April 2024
- Batch 5 : 6 – 8 Mei 2024 || 20 – 22 Mei 2024
- Batch 6 : 11 – 13 Juni 2024
- Batch 7 : 16 – 18 Juli 2024
- Batch 8 : 20 – 22 Agustus 2024
- Batch 9 : 17 – 19 September 2024
- Batch 10 : 8 – 10 Oktober 2024 || 22 – 24 Oktober 2024
- Batch 11 : 5 – 7 November 2024 || 19 – 21 November 2024
- Batch 12 : 10 – 12 Desember 2024
Catatan : Jadwal dapat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda dengan catatan kuota peserta minimum 2 (dua) peserta terpenuhi. training accounting, taxation and auditing at coal for oil and gas industry terupdate
Biaya dan Lokasi Pelatihan : training accounting, taxation and auditing at coal for oil and gas industry terupdate
Lokasi : training akuntansi untuk migas terbaru
- Jakarta : Hotel Amaris Kemang, Amaris Tendean,Trinity Hotel, Ibis Budget.
- Bandung: Hotel Santika, Hay Hotel,Ibis Style, Novotel Hotel, Golden Flower Hotel, 1O1 Hotel, Grand Tjokro Hotel, Tune Hotel, Four Point by Sheraton Hotel.
- Yogyakarta : Hotel NEO+ Awana, Cordela Hotel,Ibis Style, Boutique Hotel, Cavinton Hotel, Mutiara Hotel, Dafam Malioboro Hotel, Prima Inn Hotel .
- Surabaya: Novotel Hotel, Ibis Center Hotel, HARRIS Hotel, Favehotel, Alana Hotel .
- Malang: Amaris Hotel, The 1O1 Hotel, Ibis Style Hotel, El Hotel, Whiz Prime Hotel .
- Bali : Ibis Kuta, Fontana Hotel, HARRIS Hotel & Conventions .
- Lombok: Favehotel, Novotel Lombok, D Praya Hotel .
Catatan : Biaya diatas belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan. training akuntansi pertambangan umum terupdate
Investasi Pelatihan Training Terbaru : training akuntansi untuk migas mura
- Investasi pelatihan selama tiga hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.
- Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.
Fasilitas Pelatihan Training Terbaru :
- FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara)
- FREE Akomodasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
- Module / Handout
- FREE Flashdisk .
- Sertifikat
- FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training) .
- Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
- 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner.
- Souvenir .