Training Pengenalan Hse Goverment Regulation Dan Prosedure
Training Hse Planned Inspaction And Audit
Historically, industrial pulp and paper production was a semi – automatic process which required a great deal of manual intervention and there are some types of exposures to potential health and safety hazards such as physical, chemical and biological hazards which may be expected in each process area and these hazards will affect to employees from other areas may also occur depending on weather conditions, proximity to sources of exposure, and whether they work in more than one process area ( e.g. , quality control, general labour pool and maintenance personnel ). Also there are some environmental issues such as air pollution issues, water pollution issues and solid wastes handling. Due to these health, safety and environmental hazards, the Management and all employees of paper and pulp industry should set-up and implement HSE Management System and Procedures to handle the above HSE aspects in preventing and reducing accidents and losses : harm to people, damage to property or equipment, loss to
process and damage to environment.
After attending this course, the participants will be able to :
* Know, understand and implement Government HSE Regulations and Procedures
* Analyze causes and effects of losses
* Identify the sources of pollution within the process & implement control technologies
* Set-up and implement HSE Programs in preventing and reducing accidents & losses
1. Introduction to HSE Government Regulations & Procedures, especially in Paper and Pulp Industry
2. Causes and Effects of Loss
3. Management Control of Loss
4. General Profile of Paper and Pulp Industry
5. HSE Aspects on Major Sectors and Processes ( i.e. Wood Handling, Mechanical Pulping, Chemical Pulping & Recovery, Sulphate Pulping & Recovery, Sulphite Pulping & Recovery, Bleaching, etc. )
6. Occupational Hazards and Controls ( i.e. Safety Hazards, Physical Hazards, Chemical Hazards and Biological Hazards )
7. Environmental and Public Health Issues
8. Permit to Work System, Lock Out & Tag Out ( LOTO ), Working at Height
9. HSE Planned Inspections and Audits
10. HSE Personal and Group Communications
11. HSE General Promotions
12. Case Study, Group Discussions and Presentations, Safety Films / VCD Show
13. Pre-Test, Post-Test and Course Evaluation
Managers, Superintendents, Section Heads and Supervisors who involve in Paper and Pulp Industry, especially but not limited from the following departments : Production, Transportation, Maintenance, Logistics/Warehouse, HSE/SHE/EHS, Support Services, Medical/Clinic, Security, Engineering, etc.
Ir. Didi Sugandi Bc. M
Pendidikan formal AKAMIGAS Cepu (Bc.M) dan Sarjana Teknik Perminyakan (Ir.) UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. Pengalaman kerja 38 tahun (Stanvac Pendopo, VICO Kaltim, Karaha Bodas Company, JOB Pertamina-Gulf Jambi, Sucofindo, Surveyor Indonesia, dll), dimana17 tahun diantaranya di Departemen HSE / K3L mulai sebagai Safety Supervisor sampai dengan Senior Manager HSE dimana selama di Departemen HSE sering ikut aktif dalam memonitor, inpeksi dan audit HSE / K3L Operasi Rig Pemboran & WO/WS didarat, Jabatan sekarang adalah sebagai Konsultan / Koordinator Audit K3L /HSE Management System of Onshore Drilling & WO/WS Rig Operations.
Jadwal Pelatihan Training Terbaru 2023: training occupational health,
Jadwal Pelatihan trainingterbaru Tahun 2023 :
- Batch 1 : 23 – 25 Januari 2024
- Batch 2 : 6 – 8 Februari 2024
- Batch 3 : 5 – 7 Maret 2024
- Batch 4 : 23 – 25 April 2024
- Batch 5 : 6 – 8 Mei 2024 || 20 – 22 Mei 2024
- Batch 6 : 11 – 13 Juni 2024
- Batch 7 : 16 – 18 Juli 2024
- Batch 8 : 20 – 22 Agustus 2024
- Batch 9 : 17 – 19 September 2024
- Batch 10 : 8 – 10 Oktober 2024 || 22 – 24 Oktober 2024
- Batch 11 : 5 – 7 November 2024 || 19 – 21 November 2024
- Batch 12 : 10 – 12 Desember 2024
Catatan : Jadwal dapat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda dengan catatan kuota peserta minimum 2 (dua) peserta terpenuhi. training accounting, taxation and auditing at coal for oil and gas industry terupdate
Biaya dan Lokasi Pelatihan : training accounting, taxation and auditing at coal for oil and gas industry terupdate
Lokasi : training akuntansi untuk migas terbaru
- Jakarta : Hotel Amaris Kemang, Amaris Tendean,Trinity Hotel, Ibis Budget.
- Bandung: Hotel Santika, Hay Hotel,Ibis Style, Novotel Hotel, Golden Flower Hotel, 1O1 Hotel, Grand Tjokro Hotel, Tune Hotel, Four Point by Sheraton Hotel.
- Yogyakarta : Hotel NEO+ Awana, Cordela Hotel,Ibis Style, Boutique Hotel, Cavinton Hotel, Mutiara Hotel, Dafam Malioboro Hotel, Prima Inn Hotel .
- Surabaya: Novotel Hotel, Ibis Center Hotel, HARRIS Hotel, Favehotel, Alana Hotel .
- Malang: Amaris Hotel, The 1O1 Hotel, Ibis Style Hotel, El Hotel, Whiz Prime Hotel .
- Bali : Ibis Kuta, Fontana Hotel, HARRIS Hotel & Conventions .
- Lombok: Favehotel, Novotel Lombok, D Praya Hotel .
Catatan : Biaya diatas belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan. training akuntansi pertambangan umum terupdate
Investasi Pelatihan Training Terbaru : training akuntansi untuk migas mura
- Investasi pelatihan selama tiga hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.
- Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.
Fasilitas Pelatihan Training Terbaru :
- FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara)
- FREE Akomodasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
- Module / Handout
- FREE Flashdisk .
- Sertifikat
- FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training) .
- Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
- 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner.
- Souvenir .