Training Manajemen Logistik Material

Training Logistik Sebagai Suatu Profesi

training manajemen logistik material murah

Deskripsi Pelatihan
Pelatihan Logistics Management akan memberikan perspektif praktis mengenai semua kegiatan logistic dan pengelolaanya seperti: distribusi, transportasi, pemerosesan, penjualan (sales), perencanaan operasional (operation planning), ekspor impor, logistic global, logistic ERP, TPL (Third Party Logistics), jaringan manajemen supplai, (supply chain management).

Pelatihan ini dirancang untuk mereka yang ingin mengembangkan diri dalam profesi bidang logistik.
Pelatihan ini akan menyampaikan kepada peserta metoda-metoda pendekatan logistik yangsesuai guna memecahkan permasalahan logistic di dunia bisnis. Rancangan training ini didasarkan pada pendekatan kasus yang terintegrasi, dimana peserta akan menganalisa aspek-aspek sistem logistic yang saling terkait. Peserta pelatihan akan melakukan latihan pemecahan permasalah dengan pendekatan “teamwork” dan akan melakukan analisis atas hubungan antara pemasok (supplier), data inventori, lay out gudang (warehouse), sistem transportasi, lokasi pusat distribusi (distribution center) yang terkait dengan lokasi manufaktur mereka.
Melalui pelatihan ini para peserta diharapkan dapat menangkan suatu pola kerja guna mengidentifikasi, mereferensikan dan menerapkan logistics management, dan menerapkan mekanisme kontrol dalam kegiatan operasional logistik yang didasarkan kebijakan (policy) dan standar operasional yang terkait. Penekanannya adalah pada bagaimana menterjemahkan kebutuhan standard dan menerapkannya pada proses logistik.

Setiap tahapan pelatihan akan disertai dengan diskusi dengan topic mengenai logistics management, keamanan dan mekanisme kontrol di dalam operasi logistik, dan masalahmasalah operasional (operational issues) yang akan dihadapi peserta selanjutnya di tempat kerja mereka.

Setelah selesai mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta akan mampu untuk dapat melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
* Memilki pemahan yang utuh atas prinsip-prinsip logistik dengan menggunakan bahasa operasinal logistic yang sama.
* Memiliki kemampuan dalam memahami tantangan yang dihadapi oleh professional logistics management di dalam organisasi dalam menghadapi tantangan operasional.
* Mempunyai kemampuan dalam memandang logistik sebagai suatu profesi dari pada sekedar suatu fungsi operasional yang bersifat pasif dalam melaksanakan suatu rencana, namun sebagai suatu fungsi strategic yang menghasilkan nilai (value) dan suatu competitive advantage
* Mampu lebih menghargai akan pentingnya melakukan perubahan dan mengelola

Cource Contents and Descriptions
1. Introduction to Logistics management
+ Logistical Management : What is “logistical management”, or “logistics”?, Trends in logistics costs and performance, Objectives of logistical management, A typical supply chain, Supply chain examples, Processes involved in supply chains, Drivers of supply chain performance
+ Why Study the Supply Chain?
+ Key Issues in Logistical and Supply Chain Management (SCM) : Complex supply chain environments, Logistic and supply chain planning and decisions, Customer service strategy, Product life cycle strategy, Typical logistics tradeoffs
+ International Issues in the Supply Chain : Forces driving toward globalization, Regional differences and issues
2. Logistics Network Design
+ The Role of Major Network Design Decisions in a Supply Chain : Major network design decisions, Objective network design, Data for network design
+ Network Design Problems
+ Best distribution strategy
3. Inventory Management
+ The Inventory : Where do we hold inventory ?, Types of inventory, Why do we hold inventory ?, Why inventory management ?, Inventory policy
+ Inventory Models : Economic lot size / Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model, Optimal amount with discount on purchase price, EOQ model with backlogging, Effect of nonzero lead-time, Variations on the EOQ model — (r,W) Models, Effect of demand uncertainties (with a probabilistic demand distribution), Model with uniform lead-time demand and constant lead-time, Model with normal lead-time demand and constant lead-time, Model with both uncertain lead-time demand and uncertain lead-time, Calculation of average inventory under (r,W) policy
+ Expected annual cost of Safety Stock
4. Transportation Logistics Management
+ The Transportation : Modes of Transportation and their Performance Trends, Air, Ocean Ship, Truck, Rail, Intermodal (Truck/rail), Other Modes – pipelines
+ Transportation Cost Concepts : Different groups experience different transportation costs, Fixed and variable costs, Cost-output curve, More definitions of different types of costs, Factors affecting transportation decisions, Factors affecting carrier decisions, Factors affecting shipper decisions
+ Time Value of Money: Future Costs and Present Value : Centrality of Capital to Decision Making, Opportunity cost, Nominal and effective interest rates, Compounding for Future Value, Discounting for Present Value, Annuity Equivalents, Uniform series present worth factor, Capital Recovery Factor, Evaluation – a Few Alternative Techniques
+ Transportation Cost Modeling : Engineering unit cost, Intermodal Cost-Output models
+ Tradeoffs: Transportation versus Inventory Costs : Total Logistics Cost (TLC) model for intermodal service, Choice of transportation mode, What will make intermodal service more appealing?
+ Future Changes in Transportation : Larger vehicle sizes, Capacity constraints, Urban congestion, Terminal facility and right-of-way congestion, The relationship between speed and fleet size, Increasing use of intermodal (truck/rail) services, Driving down the cost of intermodal services
5. Reengineering the Supply Chain Using IT and ITS
+ Definitions : Information Technology (IT) and software, Intelligent Transportation Systems and hardware
+ Proving the impacts of fast changing technologies : Simulation – studying the Bullwhip Effect, Complexity of doing cost versus benefit analysis, Specialized skills favor larger firms, Solutions for the smaller firms
+ Key IT functions — Case studies : Paperwork and documentation, Tracking and ordering, Enabler of Third-party Logistics (3PL)
+ From Software (IT) to Hardware (ITS) : Benefits of RFID, Distribution routing and scheduling, Bringing the benefits of ITS to the Littlest Guy.
+ Highly complex IT and ITS envirents
6. Distribution Strategy
+ This segment describes the diversified distribution strategy to be applied for effective and efficient distribution operations such as:
+ Shipping Strategies
+ Routing and Scheduling in Transportation

Instructor :


Jadwal Pelatihan trainingterbaru Tahun 2023 :

  • Batch 1 : 23 – 25 Januari 2024
  • Batch 2 : 6 – 8 Februari 2024
  • Batch 3 : 5 – 7 Maret 2024
  • Batch 4 : 23 – 25 April 2024
  • Batch 5 : 6 – 8 Mei 2024 || 20 – 22 Mei 2024
  • Batch 6 : 11 – 13 Juni 2024
  • Batch 7 : 16 – 18 Juli 2024
  • Batch 8 : 20 – 22 Agustus 2024
  • Batch 9 : 17 – 19 September 2024
  • Batch 10 : 8 – 10 Oktober 2024 || 22 – 24 Oktober 2024
  • Batch 11 : 5 – 7 November 2024 || 19 – 21 November 2024
  • Batch 12 : 10 – 12 Desember 2024

Catatan : Jadwal dapat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda dengan catatan kuota peserta minimum 2 (dua) peserta terpenuhi. training accounting, taxation and auditing at coal for oil and gas industry terupdate

Biaya dan Lokasi Pelatihan : training accounting, taxation and auditing at coal for oil and gas industry terupdate

Lokasi : training akuntansi untuk migas terbaru

  • Jakarta : Hotel Amaris Kemang, Amaris Tendean,Trinity Hotel, Ibis Budget.
  • Bandung: Hotel Santika, Hay Hotel,Ibis Style, Novotel Hotel, Golden Flower Hotel, 1O1 Hotel, Grand Tjokro Hotel, Tune Hotel, Four Point by Sheraton Hotel.
  • Yogyakarta : Hotel NEO+ Awana, Cordela Hotel,Ibis Style, Boutique Hotel, Cavinton Hotel, Mutiara Hotel, Dafam Malioboro Hotel, Prima Inn Hotel .
  • Surabaya: Novotel Hotel, Ibis Center Hotel, HARRIS Hotel, Favehotel, Alana Hotel .
  • Malang: Amaris Hotel, The 1O1 Hotel, Ibis Style Hotel, El Hotel, Whiz Prime Hotel .
  • Bali : Ibis Kuta, Fontana Hotel, HARRIS Hotel & Conventions .
  • Lombok: Favehotel, Novotel Lombok, D Praya Hotel .

Catatan : Biaya diatas belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan. training akuntansi pertambangan umum terupdate

Investasi Pelatihan Training Terbaru : training akuntansi untuk migas mura

  1. Investasi pelatihan selama tiga hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.
  2. Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.

Fasilitas Pelatihan Training Terbaru :

  1. FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara)
  2. FREE Akomodasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
  3. Module / Handout
  4. FREE Flashdisk .
  5. Sertifikat
  6. FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training) .
  7. Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
  8. 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner.
  9. Souvenir .